Alma Highland Festival ParadeAlma, MI, United States

2025 Alma Highland Festival & Games Parade Entry

By Alma Highland Festival & Games (other events)

Saturday, May 24 2025 10:30 AM 12:00 PM EST

The Alma Highland Festival and Games Parade will step-off at 10:30 AM (rain or shine!) on Saturday, May 24th. Parade line-up and information will be sent out by May 12, 2025.

1. Candy can be handed out or lightly tossed at curb, but not thrown from vehicles.
2. All political party entries must be seated political holders. No campaigning candidate entries are allowed. (Note: Political Parties are welcomed. If you are running for an office within those parties, you may walk with your party but no name/campaign trail will be admitted.)
3. Rain or shine, the parade happens. Please arrive at the corner of Superior and Court to check in between 9:00AM-10:00AM. Parade lineup will be mailed a week beforehand. Parade steps off promptly at 10:30AM.